
目前显示的是 八月, 2021的博文

BBTI Testing APK for Windows

Developer name: PT. Laku6 Online Indonesia like it: https://downloadapk.net/BBTI-Testing.html Version: 2.3.9 Dapatkan kemudahan transaksi tukar tambah dengan BBTI Testing App - Scan QR untuk memulai test - Identifikasi kondisi HP dengan mudah dengan grading yang jelas Ingin memfasilitasi tukar tambah non-HP? Kami juga punya fitur All You Can Trade: - Pilih tipe produknya - Jawab tes kondisinya - Tukar tambah deh! Kami juga menyediakan fitur grade spesial yang tersedia untuk agent kami. Hubungi kami untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut ya! APK Check: 2021-08-23 15:05:37 Operating System: 5.0 Update Date: 2021-08-23 Category: BUSINESS Title: BBTI Testing

App Paragon Club APK for Zenfone

App ID: com.paragon.club Category: LIFESTYLE Developer name: SPH Retail Property Management Services Pte Ltd Download Paragon Club 2.0.9 APK APK Size: 28987920 APK Check: 2021-08-23 19:24:06 Version code: 82 Unlock a world of privileges with Paragon Club - the multi-feature app that rewards you when you shop and dine in Paragon. Simply scan the QR code on your app when you shop and dine at participating stores in Paragon to earn points to redeem for shopping rewards. Keep yourself up-to-date on exclusive events and happenings and find out all the shopping privileges you will enjoy as a Paragon Club member. Download the Paragon Club app now to receive rewards faster than ever. (Paragon Club app supports Android version 5.0 and above. Please ensure you have the updated operating system for the optimal user experience.)

Download Abacutor 1.0.0 APK 2015

Version code: 22 Abacus, called as Soroban in Japanese and Suanpan in Chinese is an ancient arithmetic tool used even today in many countries and taught to children around the world as a way to improve their mental math (Anzan) abilities. Abacutor, an Abacus Tutor App is a classwork and homework management tool for Abacus teachers and students and follows the Soroban Abacus method. Abacutor allows students to do their classwork and homework on the tablet and provides real time status to Sensei (The Teacher). The sensei can monitor progress of students' homework in real time and provide new homework anytime anywhere for students to practice. Abacutor helps students to practice their homework regularly and get better at Abacus and Anzan at a faster pace. Visit https://www.abacutor.com/ for privacy policy and terms and conditions. Download: 100 Version: 1.0.0 Operating System: 5.0 Download Abacutor 1.0.0 APK App ID: com.abacutor.jamspdxapp

free android 塞爾之光:一起用可愛拯救世界! APK

Version: 0.13.926 【勇者集結 冒險啟航】 擁有多元化且特色鮮明的五大職業,將在你的塞爾冒險生涯中給你最頂級的遊戲體驗,素有王城壁壘美稱的全能戰士、總是關鍵絕殺的精靈射手、令人畏懼且無法近身的符文法師、最強行動血庫的神聖祭司、光速閃擊狙殺的暗影刺客,最自由的全職業切換,讓你完整享受全能戰隊的遊戲快感。 【無懼挑戰 榮耀集結】 在塞爾大陸中有許多神秘的洞窟副本,令人窒息的強大BOSS們正守護著塞爾大陸中最令人垂涎的夢幻神器,唯有團隊合作消滅牠!才可一窺神氣的真面目,其中還有10人的團隊副本,更考驗著戰隊的職業完整度與戰鬥默契,你敢來挑戰嗎? 【招喚魔靈 萌翻世界】 遊戲內魔靈系統分為戰寵、坐騎、寶寶3類;玩家可以自由捕捉戰寵,戰寵為玩家提供多樣的天賦技能,玩家可以在戰鬥中主動施放戰寵技能,且每個職業均有專屬戰寵的設定,為玩家的冒險之旅保駕護航;坐騎則可以通過任務獲得,炫酷的狼,威猛的虎還有萌爆的提姆,讓冒險更多姿多彩。 【自由探索 愜意悠閒】 《塞爾之光》不僅僅提供戰鬥玩法,休閒玩法也趣味十足;遍佈塞爾大陸的漁場讓玩家樂此不彼,滿世界的藏寶點更是讓玩家樂不思蜀;叮叮噹噹的採礦聲,鐵匠鋪咚咚的打造出專屬於你的塞爾樂章。 【劍與幻想 星盤召喚】 開創了十二星座的概念,每個玩家需要在創建角色的時候就確定自己的星座;每個星座每天占卜的運氣都不一樣,實力位,金錢位和寶物位都有不同的運勢;當星盤獲得足夠的能量時,伺服器就會升級進入全新次元,開啟全新玩法。 【愛與羈絆 命中註定】 遊戲內不僅有豐富的時裝系統,玩家可以個性的裝扮自己,裝酷耍帥賣萌;還會有很多唱歌、跳舞、問候、使壞的互動,讓冒險不再孤單,兄弟隨行,佳人相伴。 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/icantw.GOC/ ※本遊戲內容涉及暴力情節(但無血腥畫面),依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費遊戲,但遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務,請依個人興趣及能力進行適度消費。 ※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷,長時間進行遊戲,容易影響作息,宜適度休息及運動。 App ID: com.icantw.goc Update Date: 2020-05-11 Download: 100.000 Version code: 1300926 Download 塞爾之光...

APK ecHome億世家 for Amazon Kindle

App ID: hk.com.echome.crm APK Check: 2020-05-09 23:33:39 Download: 10.000 Version code: 60 With ecHome 億世家mobile app, you can: - Exclusive welcoming coupons* - Enjoy addition coupon discount in birthday month - Receive e-receipt for every purchase, no longer need to keep physical receipt for warranty - Enjoy huge product discount in quota and time sales - Enjoy time to time app member exclusive discount instore - Access to your loyalty points balance and purchase history anytime - Find the nearest ecHome branch *Terms and Conditions Apply Category: LIFESTYLE Developer name: E.P.S.A. Corporation LTD File Size: 65M